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About Us

In 2016 my son Seth was visiting family in the mountains of North Carolina when one of their dogs had puppies. One of the puppies was very small and had to be fed with an ear dropper by Seth. The puppy was small but healthy and followed Seth everywhere he went. The puppy was named Amy and was given to Seth as a gift because he had spent so much time nurturing this cute little girl. Seth has owned several dogs but Amy was special, weighing only 6 pounds she literally was with him everywhere he went. In 2018 Seth decided that I also needed a dog and he gifted me with Hannah who became a robust 8 pounder. With much resistance from me, Seth talked me into buying a Havanese male to breed with Amy and Hannah. Both girls got pregnant in October 2019 and it was an exciting time. Seth was killed in a car accident on November 10, 2019. The puppies were born January 3 and 4, less than 24 hours apart. Initially, I was uncertain of what to do but realized that the puppies were therapy. Each time I see them, feed them, play with them and even when I clean up after them they reminded me of Seth. I enjoyed the process so much that I retired from traditional work and am now a full time dog breeder. Losing a child or anyone you love can be a devastating event. I realized that Seth was a gift from God and that I was blessed to have him for 37 years. I have no anger, bitterness or regrets. I thank God everyday for the times I had with Seth. I would like to thank my brother Dennis for being there when I just wanted to drive or walk, or just sit and say nothing. Also, my sister Kathy for letting me talk about nothing if that was what I wanted to do. I am thankful to both of you more than you will ever know and love you both. Lastly, I would like to thank my boss Samantha at my former employer. Your patience and encouragement during this difficult time will never be forgotten and I hope we will remain friends forever. Difficult times or events, even tragedies do not have to end in a bad way. I am blessed and I am thankful that great things and great people have come into my life as a result of the work we are now doing with Seth's Dream Puppies. I hope you like and enjoy our puppies as much as I do. Best of life to each of you and may God bless you as He has me. 

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